Duke of Edinburgh Expeditions
dofe expedition assessor
As an accredited Duke of Edinburgh Award expedition assessor I can offer assessing anywhere in Scotland or Northern England including the Lake District. I can assess expeditions at Bronze, Silver and Gold levels and can assess multiple groups at the same time to maximise your value for money, this will obviously vary according to routes chosen etc.
I can fit around your groups timetable such as coach pickups and dropoffs and by arrangement I can also meet the group in advance of the expedition to do pre-expedition checks and also receive post-expedition presentations/reports.
I can fit around your groups timetable such as coach pickups and dropoffs and by arrangement I can also meet the group in advance of the expedition to do pre-expedition checks and also receive post-expedition presentations/reports.
DofE Training
I can also provide training on your behalf to prepare your DofE groups to in their expedition preparation. I am currently a DofE leader with a local Air Cadet squadron and regularly train teenagers to prepare them for their expeditions, I am also up to date with the latest DofE training guidelines and have a new style PVG disclosure for working with both children and vulnerable adults which may be viewed upon request.
Quality instruction and guiding since 2012
Working in the sublime Scottish highlands and islands, we offer a variety of high quality hill, mountain, climbing and wilderness focused adventurous activities and training throughout Scotland.
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